Design and Engineering

How commercial solar power works for business

Our certified and licensed engineers can efficiently deliver projects on time and within budget. Our work complies with industry standards and conforms to local regulations. Our specialists will ask questions in order to provide insight into each unique design:

Can these meters be aggregated?

  • What are the performance specifications for your electrical panel or transformer?
  • Does Net Energy Metering (NEM) or Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEMA) best fit your operation?
  • Are utility upgrades possible and/or necessary?
  • Is there a better solution available?

During this phase, the actual components of your solar power system will also be determined. Our in-house team includes seasoned, electrical and mechanical industry veterans who know the industry. They will select the proper components specifically tailored for your performance needs.  These components will minimize electrical loss during transmission, optimize inverter loads and wire runs, and take advantage of design efficiencies.

If you would like to discuss if Commercial Solar Power would be suitable for your business or organisation contact Westin Solar here or call 1.514.836.9876