Installing a Commercial Solar system in a business works in conjunction with your existing grid electricity supply. The electricity generated by your Commercial solar power system directly offsets the amount of electricity you need to purchase from your electricity retailer, therefore reducing your electricity bill.

When commercial solar system is producing electricity it is consumed on the premises and any shortfall is seemlessly provided by the grid. Conversely, any excess is sent out to the grid (depending on where you are and your retailer you may or may not receive a payment for this).

  1. Solar cells produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect, where sunlight creates electricity in certain materials by knocking their outer electrons loose.
  2. The Direct Current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels is directed to the solar inverter, where it is converted into Alternative Current (AC) electricity your home or business can use.
  3. Inverter will ensure your home or business always uses its own solar production first, only accessing additional energy from the grid when own supply is not enough. Any solar energy you don’t use will be exported the grid for a nominated feed-in tariff (depending on the region).
  4. Your electricity provider will install a new bi–directional meter which will monitor and report both the incoming and outgoing electricity (depending on the region).
  5. Your energy bills will then take into account the lower amounts of electricity you will need to purchase from the grid.

Offsetting your Electricity Purchases

Every unit of electricity commercial solar power system produces that you consume on-site directly reduces the electricity you need to purchase from your electricity retailer. The value of this is determined by the rate you would have paid for that electricity (you can check how much you pay for daytime electricity on your electricity bill).

The amount of your electricity that a solar power system can offset (as a percentage of your overall consumption) will depend on the size of the solar system you install and the amount of electricity you consume in daylight hours (ie when the solar system is producing electricity). Westin Solar can provide you with detailed analysis on the most appropriate size of system based on:

– Your available roof space
– Your electricity consumption patterns
– Your budget

As part of this Westin Solar will also provide you with financial information to make an informed assessment on investing in a solar power system.

If you would like to discuss if Commercial Solar Power would be suitable for your business or organisation contact Westin Solar here or call 1.514.836.9876

To arrange a no obligation consultation at your office or business:

Call Us – 1.514.836.9876
Email Us – [email protected]